510 526 3720 x7 friendsalbany@yahoo.com

Sales & Signup


Our next on-site Book Sale is scheduled for Saturday October 5th and Sunday October 6th!  We are working with the City and the Library to coordinate logistics and will update this site with on-site Book Sale details as we get closer to the October Book Sale. 

In the meantime, please continue to donate books to help us prepare and stock up for the October Book Sale. You can also purchase books on the ongoing shelf sale in the library and online at Shop Friends of the Albany Library Books and Collectibles | AbeBooks: Eve’s Book Garden 

We will be looking for volunteers to assist in setting up, cashiering and cleaning up as we get closer to the sale date.  As always, we appreciate your help and participation! We can’t do it without you! 



Friends Sales are in Major Categories Described Below:


Daily “Ongoing” Shelf sale in the Library

FAL sells a variety of interesting books including Kids, picture, topical, holiday-themed, mystery, etc. on the library shelf just across from the checkout desk. Most of these books look like they first did at the bookstore, but many are just $1! Come and check them out whenever the library is open, inventory changes most days.


Collectible, Rare, Vintage

These are typically older and unique items ranging in price from $2 to $hundreds. Check publicity for scheduled sales to find out if CRV is offered – usually it is at the May and November sales.


Friends Online Sales 24 hours a day

FAL benefits from more valuable books sold online. These books go to buyers all over the world.  The link to the online book sale is Shop Friends of the Albany Library Books and Collectibles | AbeBooks: Eve’s Book Garden

On-site Book Sale Results for Recent Sales


  • May – $4842 


  • October – $4433
  • May – $4717   


  • October – $2206
  • May – $3013


  • November – $1507


  • March – $659