About Us
The Friends of the Albany Library (“FAL”) is a 501 (c)(3) public benefit non-profit corporation, EIN 94-3085229. We are staffed by volunteers.
FAL’s purpose is to support the Albany Library, which we do by funding many library programs and events, and also by purchase of various library materials.
Friends of the Albany Library Board Meetings
The Friends of the Albany Library (FAL) Board meets monthly on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 11:30am in the Edith Stone Room at the Albany Library. Upcoming meetings are:
- December – No Meeting, Holiday Hiatus!
- January – Wednesday, January 15 at 11:30 am
The monthly FAL meetings are a great way to be more involved, provide input, make friends and find out what is coming up! You are welcome to attend!
FAL Board effective October 2024
- President Susan Barnes
- Vice-President Dede Pansino
- Past President Marsha Skinner
- Treasurer Vijaya Srivastava
- Recording Secretary Caryl O’Keefe
- Corresponding Secretary Dru Burrell
- Director Preeti Dadlani
- Director Hank Olson
- Director Karen Campbell
- Director Yancy Zhang
- Director Betty Schinnerer
- Director Eve Nilson